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The Small Awards 2024 - Highlights!

The Small Awards take place on May 22nd, 2025 and will be a great event with small businesses, experts and luminaries coming together for a fantastic evening of awards and networking.

The Awards

The awards process begins on December 1st, 2024 when small businesses will beinvited to apply via this website. Award descriptions and guidance for applicants can be found here.

Entries closedat midnight on February 28th, 2025. Judging will be done based on a number of criteria relevant to the specific award, whilst also looking for strong performance as an on-going business. The judges will be looking for evidences of strong community engagement from small businesses. Judging will be completed by the end of April, 2025.

All finalists will be invited to The Small Awards ceremony, a black-tie dinner, to hear all the Award winners announced live.

The Categories

High Street Hero

Best high street business

Bricks and Clicks Award

Best multi-channel small business

Legacy Award

Best family business

Supply Chain Champion

Best B2B business

New Kid On The Block

Best business start up (less than 18 months)

Digital Star

Best digital only business

Heart Of Gold

The business that contributes most to their community

At Your Service

Best small service business

Sole to Sole

Best self employed small business owner

Mission Possible

Best social enterprise business

Net Hero

The business that demonstrates exceptional commitment to environmental sustainability

Small Business of the Year Award

Best overall small business

Award descriptions and guidance

The Media

The Small Awards offers multiple media opportunities for all short listed small businesses in the run up to and post Awards.

Media outreach will be undertaken to regional and vertical media for all shortlisted businesses, as well as for the eventual winners, and case study-led feature pieces will be pitched into national broadsheet, SME and other business press.

This will include print, web and radio coverage across the UK.

The Judging Panel

The Small Awards are judged by some of the most well respected small business experts in the UK. Our judges are from the small business sector, entrepreneurs, investors, public sector and media.

Sponsors have the opportunity to be on the judging panel of their Award, giving them access to all award entrants.

Our Judges

The Timeline

December 1st, 2024

Applications open

February 28th, 2025(Midnight)

Applications close and shortlisting

April, 2025

Award judging and finalist press launch

May 22nd, 2025

The Small Awards

May/ June, 2025

Post Awards Press for winners and sponsors

Keep in Touch

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The Organisation

The Small Awards, launched in 2017, targets the whole small business sector focusing on businesses often overlooked by other awards. With 5.4 million small businesses in the UK, there are huge numbers of small businesses doing great things that may not be recognised by awards due to geography, scale or even awareness of the benefits such awards can bring. The Small Awards will change that by reaching out to a massive small business base that its management team have built up over many years working in the sector.

The Small Awards is run by Small Business Britain. Small Business Britain runs a number of national campaigns for small businesses, including Small Business Saturday. It has the reach, knowledge and access to be able to create a vibrant and exciting awards for both participants and sponsors.

The organisation's experience and contacts will enable engagement UK wide. The team have a world-class record of delivering PR and media coverage for both small businesses and campaign supporters.

Our Sponsors

Thanks to our fantastic sponsors:

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